Style Girl

I had a goal to get two more AG Friends posts up before the end of the year. I don't think I'm going to make it--the skies are so dark with pouring rain, I've not no good natural light for photos. (Being that I live in California I'm not going to complain!)

But I did run out to Big Lots to grab a Style Girls doll for my New Adventures post (I couldn't find a lot of information on NA dolls so I had to go 100% hands-on) and I'm so liking her for the price. I got the best one there too, among the slim pickings that is--the one on the right. (I originally had the waving one on the left but her eyes were wonky!)

If I can get any sun worth mentioning, I'll have my new post on the morrow. Happy New Year to all!

[Prices quoted reflect the market at the time of this post; they may differ from the item's current value.]

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