Global Friends Aziza

Global Friends Aziza - Egyptian doll with national dress and headband
I had seen images of Global Friends dolls for a while, mostly on this McCall's Crafts pattern for 14" and 18" dolls. I didn't know which dolls these were at first, but I began running into them on the web during my doll journeys last year. I thought they had the cutest little faces, and I eventually learned they were Global Friends, 14" dolls which were produced in the late 90s and were now retired.

The Feather Didn't Happen

1920s Head Fashion

You just can't come across a 1920s novelty "costume" today without encountering the feather. You know what I mean, that gaudy headband thingy with the single feather proudly protruding from it that supposedly demonstates to us that this is what the 1920s really and truly looked like. It's a common culture and universal belief.  But I'm here to tell you people, the feather didn't happen. [node:read-more:link]

My New Venture

With a handle on making custom patterns from my designs, I can't help but take the next leap and start thinking about designing my own custom dolls!

So this isn't a new idea. Some months into my doll obsession and knowledge quest, I started buying fixer uppers because I couldn't afford the nicer dolls (especially American Girl). [node:read-more:link]

I'm Just Saying. . .

My Twinn 18" doll with the "Berkeley" face sculpt.

My Twinn advertises that you can create a customized doll that looks however you want (or like whomever you want).

But my experience every time I go to the My Twinn website and try to create a custom doll is error messages. "Selected Face Shape not available in Fair or Olive." "Selected Hairstyle not available in Blonde, Brown, Red, or Black." [node:read-more:link]

Tender Hearts Girls

Tender Hearts Girl Isabella

In 2011, Paradise Gallery introduced their 18" doll line, Tender Hearts Girls. The line consisted of five individual dolls, brunette Emma, African American Isabella, Hispanic Maria, Asian Olivia, and blonde Sophia.

The dolls could be bought in either a plain clothes version which came with a cute puppy pal pet poodle, or in a Girl Scouts Junior version. [node:read-more:link]

Born Again Elsie

When I saw a A Life of Faith Elsie Dinsmore doll up for sale on eBay for a buyout of under $50, I jumped! I'd heard good things about these dolls by faithful ALOF fans, but didn't really know much about them personally--other than they seem to regularly sell for between $100-$200 on the secondary market. This particular Elsie didn't look to be in top condition by any stretch of the imagination, but since I figured this might be a rare opportunity for me to finally own one of these beautiful dolls, I didn't think twice and bought her. [node:read-more:link]
