LRC Fant'sy Frock in the Works

I got to painting my custom dolls when I realized I didn't have all the colors I needed. Apparently I thought I could paint the brows and lashes with flesh colors too! So after playing around with some blush and lip color, I set the heads aside and I ordered some more paints in the right colors.

They won't be here for a week maybe, so in the meantime, I started working on a new pattern, a fantasy-type frock. It will be perfect for a witch dress, and just in time for Halloween!

Tipi's Eyes

Don't you just love Hearts for Hearts Girls dolls? They're so pretty, but what's with that purple eye disease some of them get?

I kept seeing so many of these purple-eye dolls on eBay and wondering if anything could be done for them. I had never done eye surgery on a H4H doll, so the thought was a little intimidating, but I couldn't see one of these otherwise perfect beautiful dolls being diminished in this way.

My Disney Girl Doll

In the early 2000s, Walt Disney World began producing a line of 18" dolls similar to American Girl dolls named My Disney Girl, sometimes referred to as Walt Disney World My Disney Girl. They could be purchased at Disney theme park resorts and were part of the My Disney Girl Perfectly Princess Tea Party event package offered at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort. [node:read-more:link]

Lotus Onda Dolls

Doll and toy manufacturer Lotus Onda was established in 1972 and is the force behind the popular toothy, chubby-cheeked dolls distributed by Today's Girl, My London Girl, My Pal/ My Sibling, The New York Collection, Canadian Newberry dolls, and defunct companies like Gali Girls.

The Last of the Three Goes Home

Today I sent off the third and final AG doll I received as a group back at the beginning of my doll quest when I was just a little bitty baby doll newb. :) Back when I only had a MAG #42 and a Molly/ Emily retirement combo, a Laura Ashley doll, and a Madame Alexander, and decided I wanted to learn how to restore dolls. I saw an eBay auction for three AG fixer uppers, and well, I went for it.

I never thought at the time I got them that I'd ever want to sell them after fixing them up. . .

The Plague of the Spam Bots

The comment spam on this site was really getting out of control! While I'm sure we would all love to know where to get those cheap pharmaceuticals, maybe another place and time would be better for that! ;)

It's actually been a major chore to regularly go through hundreds of anonymous spam comments only to find a legitimate post here and there that got lost in the shuffle for days. :( So after some anti-spam module hunting and adding a bit of custom code to my site, I think I may have found a way to keep spam mostly out -- knock on wood!

LRC Doll Company

Little Raven Creations doll parts

The Little Raven Creations Doll Company is born at last!

Well, I just received my first shipment of doll parts as a Secrist wholesaler, and wow, $500 worth of doll parts can sure fit into a small box lol. I suppose that's because its mostly heads and limbs, and you can get pretty creative in puzzle-piecing them into a small area. Its like doll part Tetris. :)

So here they are! I'm finally beginning on my journey towards my year long dream of having my own doll line! And it goes really well hand-in-hand with my custom clothing design project for creating very unique doll themes. I'm so excited! Lots of imagery and ideas are crossing my mind right now! [node:read-more:link]
